Trust is a DKT International Tanzania family planning brand. The brand vision is to become the one stop shop family planning brand of choice. Trust’s brand promise is building successful, healthier and wealthier families. Success is achieved through recommended child birth spacing and use of modern family planning products. The brands’ essence is “Planning for success”. Trust products and services can be accessed at Trust clinics, pharmacies and private health facilities.
The population of Tanzania has tripled from 12.3 million in 1967 to 44 million (2012 census) Tanzania is the 6th most populated country in Africa with 1.5 million women with unmet family planning needs.
Nearly 45% of Tanzania’s population is under the age of 15, making it one of the world’s youngest countries. A staggering 25% of girls under 19 already have started child bearing.
A large number of young people are in need of sexuality and family planning education, services and products. Women have an average of 5 children and the contraceptive prevalence rate holds steady at 34%.
Family planning challenges in Tanzania include supply chain stock outs and irregularities, social inhibitions related to religion and culture, and a lack of modern birth control methods and sex education for young girls and adolescents. Tanzania grapples with a serious HIV epidemic nearly 1.6 million people are infected. Women are particularly affected and comprise over 60% of cases.
DKT Tanzania will respond to these problems by providing a wide range of high-quality contraceptives at affordable prices. Providing method choices, introducing innovative technologies and filling gaps in the supply chain will help serve the total marketplace.
DKT will develop innovative outreach, education and marketing efforts to shift behavior and to expand the market.
DKT Tanzania is committed to providing the most extensive, innovative, exciting range of family planning services and products with the sole purpose of making a positive contribution to the contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) hence improving the lives of millions of Tanzanians.